Monday, August 9, 2010

Gameboy Tone Matrix

The last couple of days I've been busy learning Gameboy assembly and working on my first Gameboy game.

The game is based on AndrĂ© Michelle's ToneMatrix, a game I thought would be awesome to have on your Gameboy during public transport and such.

It's written in RGBDS assembly and works on the original Gameboy as well as those emulators I've tried it on.
As it is my first assembly project I expect it to bugged as hell even though there aren't any I know of at the moment. If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, feel free to contact me. :)

How to play:
Arrow keys: Move cursor
A: Add tone
B: Remove tone
Select: Clear matrix

Note that due to limitations in the Gameboy hardware, only two notes will be played at once. If a column contains more than two notes, the two highest ones will be played.

The rom file can be downloaded here:

